martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

Welcome 2 luceziita´s blog!!

Because of my english class where I had to create a blog .... now I actually have one!!
So now I'm going to leave you an interest article hahaha I really love it

Have you ever wondered why foreigners have trouble with the English Language?
Let's face it: English is a stupid language.
There is no egg in the eggplant, No ham in the hamburger, And neither pine nor apple in the pineapple, English muffins were not invented in England, and French fries were not invented in France. We sometimes take English for granted but if we examine its paradoxes we find that, quicksand takes you down slowly, boxing rings are square, and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig. You have to marvel at the unique lunacy, of a language where a house can burn up as It burns down, and in which you fill in a form by filling it out. That is why, when the stars are out they are visible but when the lights are out they are invisible, and why it is that when I wind up my watch it starts, but when I wind up this observation it ends.