martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

Feminist Philosophies

The author wrote how women have protested againts the limitation of woman capacity in all fields of life just beacuase of their sex. Politically, many feminists believed that a cooperative society based on socialist economic principles would respect the rights of women. And the result of these endless protest was that more young women than ever were going to school, and living by themselves in city apartments.

In my opinion a feminism not so extreme is good, because is an idiology that is centrated in beliefs of equality between women and men in society and professionals roles.
But when it comes about extreme feminism I don't like it, because I think that there is a reason or propouse why we are differents

3 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you, because I think that all of us are different and we can do different things, so we don't have to be competing and comparing us.

  2. I agree with you that the feminism is good but in an ideal level and i think that the extrem feminism is the result of all the years were women were considered inferior to men.

  3. I think women today can make new philosophies, it's just a matter of dare to change
